Autism and Dyspraxia What is dyspraxia? (I am no expert. This is info that I read recently and want to share what I think I…
Autism and Preparing for an AP Exam What is an AP exam? An AP class is a college-level class taken by a high schooler. The…
Next Step for a Young Adult with Autism What comes after high school for many young adults? College! Is my child going to college? Yes.…
Autism, SAT Tests, and the Coronavirus My child is a junior in high school who took his SAT exam in the fall (2019). What…
A Difficult Autism Experience I recently spoke with an AutMom about her experience. What was it? Her nine-year-old son with autism attends a local elementary…
A High School Open House with My Child with Autism Open house. Every school has them, at some point during the year. It’s a chance…
Autism and a New Athletic Experience My son likes to try new things, a quality I admire. Sometimes, he says “I want to try this…