Autism and Hotel Fire Alarms Pre-pandemic, my husband, son, and I had a visit to the bay area. We stayed at a fairly nice hotel…
Autism and Reporting on 2020 Back to School I’m reposting this…With some updates. Because it’s important! My child with autism is a senior in high…
Autism and The Driving Age My son is almost sixteen. In California, a teenager who turns fifteen and a half can, technically, get a learners…
Autism’s Sneaky Trick (This post is not Halloween-themed) I sometimes get lulled into a sense of “normalness” with regards to my son. I forget. What…
Autism and Too Much Stuff I recently read an article about a family with a child on the autism spectrum. Outside play structures The family…
Household Chores and Autism I thought this was such a great perspective…And, it is only one perspective. A commentary from a young adult on the…
Kimberly Kaplan and 300 Autism-Related Blogs I guess you can call this a toot-your-own-horn posting because this is my 300th blog! I have not only…